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Clinical review of febrile seizure and updates
*Corresponding author: Mohammad Monir Hossain, Department of Pediatric Neurology, National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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How to cite this article: Hossain MM, Saha NC. Clinical review of febrile seizure and updates. Karnataka Paediatr J 2021;36(1):3-12.
Febrile seizure (FS) is one of the most common seizures seen in infant and pre-school age. There are two types of FSs, simple and complex. Simple FS are commonly benign, but complex FS have long-term effects. Most children with FS have normal growth and development after the attack; however, recent evidences suggest that a small group of children presenting fever with seizure may subsequently develop epilepsy or recurrent seizures. Diagnosis is mainly based on clinical presentation, electroencephalogram, lumbar puncture, and neuroimaging, which can be applied based on clinical scenario, but not routinely. Treatment is principally acute management of seizure along with address of underlying etiology and intermediate prophylaxis for preventing further attack. Pediatrician should be familiar with the proper diagnosis and management of this condition. This review will highlight an update on the current diagnostic and management issues of FS.
Febrile seizure
Febrile status epilepticus
Febrile seizure (FS) is one of the most common types of seizure in children. It is usually defined as seizures occurring in children (6 months to 5 years of age) in association with a fever more than 100.4°F (38°C), who have no evidence of any intracranial cause (e.g., head trauma, infection, and epilepsy), or any underlying definable cause of seizure (e.g., hypoglycemia, dyselectrolytemia, and drug withdrawal), or any history of an afebrile seizure.[1-4] ILAE defines FS as a seizure occurring in children aged at least 1 month, associated with a fever which is not originated by any infection of the central nervous system (CNS). A child diagnosed with FS must not have a previous unprovoked seizure, neonatal seizure, or any acute symptomatic seizures.[5] National Institute of Health, USA consensus conference definition of FS illustrates an event typically occurring between 3 months and 5 years of age associated with febrile illness without any evidence of intracranial infection or defined causes.[6] Thus, there is variability of age in different current definitions.
FS is subdivided into two categories: Simple FS and complex FS [Table 1]. Simple FS is more common than complex FS, accounting for more than 70%.[7] Febrile status epilepticus (FSE) is a subgroup of complex FS accounts for 5% of all FS, which are prolonged, continuous, or intermittent seizures without consciousness procured and evolve into status epilepticus.[7,8]
Character | Simple FS (all of the following) |
Complex FS (any of the following) |
Age | 6 months to 5 years | 6 months to 5 years but may be younger age |
Types of seizures | Generalized | Focal |
Duration of seizure | Less than 15 min | Prolonged, (≥15 min) |
Occurrence | Once in 24 h | Recurs within 24 h |
Associated neurological condition | No previous neurologic problem | Developmental delay or focal neurologic signs |
Post-seizure complication | No postictal pathology | Todd’s paresis may be present, seizure may persist for>30 min |
FS is an utmost challenge in pediatric practice due to its high prevalence and tendency to recur. Updated guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of FS have been issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Japanese Society of Child Neurology in 2011 and 2015, respectively.[9,10] PubMed search did not find any more guidelines on FS as of publication of this review.
Consequences of Prolonged FSs (FEBSTAT) was a prospective multicenter study that assessed the relationship between prolonged FSs and acute hippocampal injury, progress to mesial temporal sclerosis, temporal lobe epilepsy, and hippocampal impairment. The study enrolled 199 children of 1 month to 5 years age who had a FS that persisted more than 30 min.[11,12] Most of the children had focal seizures that were generally first FSs. Human herpes Virus (HHV)-6B infection is commonly associated with FSE and HHV-7 infection was less frequently related with FSE.[13] Younger age and developmental delay were associated with prolonged FS.[14] FSE seldom terminated spontaneously, was fairly resistant to drugs, and even with treatment continued for a significant period of time. Prompt initiation of treatment results in shorter total seizure duration.[15]
The study was established, FSE seldom causes cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis.[16] The study inferred that electroencephalogram (EEG) findings within 72 h of FSE (focal slowing or attenuation) might be used as a sensitive marker of acute injury linked with FSE.[17] Developmental abnormalities of the hippocampus especially hippocampal malrotation were more frequent in the FSE group.[18] Risk for a subsequent FSE was remarkably increased in FSE versus simple febrile seizure (SFS). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormality might increase 3.4-fold (P < 0.05) risk of FSE and also increased the recurrence risk when FSE was compared to SFS.[19]
Search strategy
A PubMed, Cochrane, ILAE, and different guidelines searches were conducted in November 2020 using the key terms “FSs” and “febrile convulsions.” The search strategy covered meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and observational studies.
FS is the most frequently found neurological disorder, affecting 2–5% of children between 6 months and 5 years of age in the Western Europe and United States with an optimum incidence between 12 and 18 months.[4,9,20-23] However, most FS (90%) occur within the 1st 3 years of life.[24] Although FS is seen in all ethnic groups, it is more commonly seen in Asian population (5–10% of Indian).[25] The male-to-female ratio is roughly about 1.5–1.8:1.[22,26,27] The majority of FS occur within 24 h of onset of fever. FS often occur in the evening, peaking between 6 pm and 10 pm and most frequently in winter, and least frequently in summer.[28-31]
FS is an age-dependent response of immature brain to fever.[32] The exact etiology is still undetermined, though possible causal relationship with genetic and environmental factors have been reported [Figure 1].[33] Releasing high levels of cytokines like interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor during a fever may alter normal brain physiology including certain temperature sensitive ion channels, triggering seizures.[34] Developing brain especially under 3 years has inherent increased vulnerability to neuronal excitation and low seizure threshold that explains high fever related seizure burden in children.[31]
![Mechanism of febrile seizure.[33]](/content/113/2021/36/1/img/KPJ-36-003-g001.png)
- Mechanism of febrile seizure.[33]
Various patterns of inheritance have been demonstrated, for example, an autosomal dominant inheritance with reduced penetrance and a polygenic or multifactorial inheritance. [2,29,35-45] The concordance rate in monozygotic and dizygotic twins is about 35–69% and 14–20%, respectively. The genes and loci of chromosomes that might increase the risk of developing FS have been mapped [Table 2].[33,46]
Gene | Loci | Chromosome | Clinical synd romes |
GRCH38 | FEB1 | 8q13-q21 | FS |
FEB2 | 19p13.3 | FS(Most common) | |
SCN1A | FEB3A | 2q24 | Simple FS |
ADGRV1 | FEB4 | 5q14-q15 | FS |
AKAP18 | 6q22-q24 | Simple FS | |
GABRG2/C588Tgene gene, encoding the GABA (A) subunit receptor | FEB8 | 5q34 | Febrile convulsion with or without absence seizure |
Interleukin 1 beta (-511) | 1q31. | Increase frequency of FS (IL-1 beta-polymorphism) | |
IFI44L | 1q31 | FS | |
TMEM16 family gene | 12q21.33 | FS |
FS: Febrile seizure
FS may develop due to mutations in the gene that encodes for the γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor and sodium channels.[36] Mild loss of function or polymorphisms in SCN1A gene of NaV1.1 channels may cause a remarkable portion of FS.[47] This mutation depletes peak sodium current for positive shift in the voltage dependent activation when expressed in nonneuronal cells.
Perinatal stress and exposure to nicotine and/or alcohol may potentiate FS due to increase in cortisol level in the offspring.[48-50] Approximately 80% of cases of FS are related with viral infection and the most frequent infections are middle ear infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, tooth infections, and gastroenteritis.[51-53]
Although vaccine is generally well-tolerated, transient adverse events such as FS are rarely experienced after vaccination.[54] FS usually occur within 3 days after Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and whole-cell pertussis vaccine, 2 days after Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 7 vaccine, and 24 h after Measles Mumps Rubella vaccine.[55-58] Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccine has fewer chances of FS compared to whole-cell vaccine as it contains minimum number of proteins which does not induce the IL-1â Production (Box 1).[59,60]
Familial: Genetics [Table 2] | Channelopathies: Sodium (mainly) potassium and calcium channels GABA-A |
Viruses: Influenza and Parainfluenza virus, Respiratory syncytial virus, Adenovirus, Herpes viruses, Cytomegalovirus, Chickenpox, Corona virus, Rotavirus, and Entero viruses. | Vaccination: Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and whole-cell pertussis, Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 7, Measles Mumps Rubella Cytokines: IL 1, tumor necrosis factor |
Bacteria: Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Streptococcus pneumonia, and Salmonella enteritidis | Vitamin (Vitamin B12) and folic acid |
Maternal: Antenatal maternal stress, prenatalexposure to nicotine and/or alcohol Environmental: Exposure to traffic noise and air pollution |
Neonatal: Prematurity, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Postnatal treatment with corticosteroids, Neonatal brain injury Cerebral dysgenesis |
The average risk of recurrence is 33%.[61] The major risk factors for recurrence are positive family history, the first FS under the age of 18 months, and 1st episode of complex FS.[4] It has been illustrated that the peak temperature in lieu of the rapidity of the temperature upraise is the most remarkable risk factor for developing first FS.[21,31,62-65] However, the number of FS does not alter the risk of subsequent epilepsy.
Iron is essential for certain neurotransmitters function and thus iron-deficiency anemia may predispose FS.[52,66] In a Bangladeshi study, the authors have showed that mean Zinc concentration in both serum and CSF was significantly lower among children having FS than their matched non-FS peers. Hence, Zinc deficiency is identified as a risk factor for FSs.[67-69] Low serum Vitamin B12 and folic acid level decrease a child’s threshold for seizure and may be a risk factor for FS and recurrent FS.[66] Road traffic noise and air pollution during childhood are related with a bit higher risk for FSs, following a compressed exposure–response link.[51] Traffic noise closely associated with stress and sleep disturbance which may be assume mechanisms beyond a relation with increase vulnerability to viral infection. Air pollution exposure is connected with upper airway infection. Some authors mentioned that few risk factors are responsible for developing FS, recurrent FS and also described the chance of subsequent epilepsy in various seizure semiology (Box 2, 3).[70-75]
First FS | Recurrence after 1stattack of FS | Epilepsy after FS |
In Population i. 1st or 2nd degree relative with history of FS (20% affected sibling and 33% affected parents) ii. Neonatal nursery stay of>28 days iii. Developmental delay In Children with a febrile illness iv. 1st or 2nd degree relative with history of FS v. High peak temperature |
i. Age<18 months ii. Family history of FS iii. Low peak temperature iv. Attendance at day care v. Less than 1 h of fever prior the seizure vi. Frequent febrile illnesses vii. Multiple FSs during the same febrile illness viii. Neurodevelopmental delay |
i. Shorter duration of fever (<1 h) before the seizure ii. Onset of FS before 1 year or after 3 years of age iii. Neurodevelopmental abnormality iv. Complex FS v. Family history of epilepsy vi. Low Apgar at 5 min at birth vii. Epileptiform discharges on EEG |
FS: Febrile seizure
In most cases, FS occur within 24 h of the fever.[53] Seizures occurring for more than 3 days after the onset of fever should be suspected for other differentials.[76] Loss of consciousness with breathing difficulty, pallor, or cyanosis at the time of seizure is a common feature.[77] Atonic and tonic spells have also been reported.
A detailed history should be obtained to evaluate the cause and characteristics of fever including fever onset to the occurrence of seizure, duration and the peak temperature of fever, duration of postictal drowsiness, and seizure semiology. The history should also comprise prior seizure and whether the child was recently attended day care, vaccinated, or treated with an antimicrobial agent. Immunization status, developmental milestones, CNS trauma, potential exposures to infection, toxin ingestion, and history of febrile and afebrile seizures among any family member(s) should also be inquired.[23] If postictal drowsiness is unusually prolonged, one should rule out CNS infection in addition to other features that may be related to meningoencephalitis.
A thorough physical assessment must be done to evaluate the cause(s) of the fever. A reddish bulging eardrum, exanthem, a beefy red pharynx, swollen, and erythematous tonsils may give hint to the fever etymology. The assessment should look for depressed sensorium, irritability, lethargy, bulging or tense fontanel, nuchal rigidity and Brudzinski’s or Kernig’s sign to exclude CNS infection such as meningitis or encephalitis.[78] A sequential neurological assessment should also be performed, comprising the level of consciousness, muscle power and tone, and deep tendon reflexes. Any focal sign should pay due attention. Fundoscopy should be done to rule out papilloedema.
Blood for complete blood count, electrolytes, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, glucose, urea, creatinine, and bacterial culture are usually not helpful in evaluating a child with FS but required for identification of cause depending on clinical presentation.[8,79] The laboratory investigations should be individualized based on the history and physical examination.[3,9,80]
Lumbar puncture (LP) is not essential in the majority of well-appearing children who have rapidly returned to quite normal baseline activities, or having no lethargy, neurological deficit after post-ictal period.[4] The AAP strongly urges pediatricians to consider a LP in child with FS in following situtions:[2,3,5,81,82]
Less than 12 months of age who present with FS, especially if the vaccination status for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae is deficient or unknown
Younger than 6 months with a simple FS
At any age: Altered alertness, lethargy, and/or meningeal symptoms or FSE
Occurrence of seizure after the 2nd day of fever, who have taken prior antimicrobial therapy.
EEG has limited value to predict recurrent FS.[5,8,21] A routine EEG is not recommended to evaluate neurologically healthy child with a simple FS.[8,10] A 2017 Cochrane systematic review also found no diagnostic value of EEG and its timing after complex FS.[83]
An EEG should be considered in children with FS who have[4,53,84,85]
Complex FSs, especially those with multiple or prolonged seizures
Recurrent FSs with developmental delays.
EEG showed bilateral posterior slow wave activity in as much as 80% of cases when done on the same day of the seizure, which usually disappears by 7–14 days.[86] Although EEG abnormalities may persist over several years, yet none of these abnormalities have been associated with increased risk of recurrent FS or future development of epilepsy.[87]
Neuroimaging studies such as computed tomography (CT) and MRI of brain are not routinely indicated in children with FS.[20,21] MRI or CT should be performed in children with signs of-[4,22]
Raised intracranial pressure or abnormally large heads
Suspected structural defect in the brain, focal neurologic abnormality, and severe head injury
Neurodevelopment abnormality
FS can be extremely panicked and emotionally traumatic for parents, though no association exists between FS and sudden unexplained death in childhood.[1,4,5,88-90] The seizure may be associated with postictal transient hemiparesis (Todd’s palsy) or may have a prolonged period of postictal drowsiness.[2,22,69] Recurrent and prolonged FS may cause persistent alternations of hippocampal neuronal circuits or mesial temporal sclerosis, leading to refractory temporal lobe epilepsy.[1,14,88,91-92]
Rare exceptional cases who presents with fever precipitated seizures should be evaluated critically with clinical evidence and if required by molecular study like clinical Exome sequencing for following diagnostic possibilities:
Generalized/genetic epilepsy with FSs plus
Dravet syndrome – suspects are prolonged febrile hemiconvulsive seizure and photosensitivity on EEG under 2 years of age.
New-onset refractory status epileptics
Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome
Hemiplegia Hemiconvulsive syndrome.
Above mention differentials should be excluded from FS and manage carefully in suspected scenario.
Parents should be counseled about benign nature and favorable outcome, assure them that treatment is often unnecessary and rare association of simple FS with epilepsy.[26] In this context, organizing effective awareness programs for parents can be helpful.[3,83,88]
Treatment should be initiated with intravenous (IV) lorazepam or diazepam if the seizure is still ongoing and repeat the dose if required [Table 3].[2,24,97,98] Per-rectal diazepam and buccal or intranasal midazolam should be administered as safe and effective alternatives, when IV route is unavailable or inaccessible.[3,24]
Antiepileptic | Administration route | Dose |
Midazolam | Oral Nasal IV Intramuscular |
0.5 mg/kg BW, repeat in 10 min if necessary 0.20.5 mg/kg BW divided in each nostril, maximum 10 mg 0.2 mg/kg BW or 0.15 mg/kg BW by infusion 0.2 mg/kg BW or 510 mg, buccal dose |
Diazepam | Rectal IV |
0.30.5 mg/kg BW, max 10 mg, bolus speed of 5 mg/min, repeat in 10 min if necessary 0.1–0.2 mg/kg BW, 0.01 mg/kg BW/min by infusion |
Lorazepam | IV | 0.1 mg/kg BW (maximum 4 mg in children heavier than 40 kg) |
Phenytoin | IV | 20 mg/kg BW, if required, repeat 5–10 mg/kg BW |
Phenobarbital | IV | 20 mg/kg BW, if required, repeat 20 mg/kg BW |
Valproic acid | IV | 20–40 mg/kg BW |
Levetiracetam | IV | 20–60 mg/kg BW |
BW: Body weight
FSE often requires multiple antiepileptic medications to control as it is rarely stopped spontaneously.[15,24] If the seizures continue for 10–15 min, phenytoin or phenobarbital can be given intravenously [Table 3]. An additional dose of IV phenytoin should be given 10 min after the loading dose, only when seizures fail to stop. Howbeit, IV phenobarbital, valproic acid or levetiracetam can also be given alternatively.[98] In addition, the cause of the fever must be treated accordingly whenever possible.
As per AAP recommendation, clinically stable children older than 18 months should not be hospitalized; rather parents should be trained for home management [Box 5].[37,99] Besides, previously diagnosed children with recurrent FS also do not require hospitalization [Table 1].[26,39]
1. Remain calm, no panic, loosen clothes, secure the child from injury 2. Do not introduce fingers or objects to open the mouth or to give any drugs or fluids 3. Do not recommend to wet the child during the seizure 4. If unconscious, to decrease the risk of aspiration, place the child in lateral position 5. Once the seizure is controlled, make sure that child is in lateral position to quicken recovery without obstructing airway 6. In recurrent FS, administer initial rescue therapy if seizure lasts>5 min 7. Administer per-rectal diazepam or nasal/buccal midazolam as first line treatment [Table 3] 8. Seek hospital admission if the seizure lasts>5 min or more 9. A medical intervention is crucial in the following cases: (a) Seizures duration of>15 min or not revoking after treatment, (b) Recurrent seizures, (c). Focal seizures, (d) presence of prolonged consciousness and/or postictal palsy |
FS: Febrile seizures
1. Open the airway, aspirate secretions, maintain adequate ventilation, and ensure perfusion 2. Obtain venous access 3. Monitor vital signs 4. Oxygen supplementation, if necessary (SpO2 < 92%) 5. Administer diazepam intravenously or per-rectal 6. Monitor arterial blood gas analysis, electrolytes and blood glucose 7. If convulsion does not subside, ask pediatrician to determine treatment options 8. FSE should be treated under the same treatment guideline for pediatric a FSE 9. The measures for fever reduction must be taken after benzodiazepine administration. |
Hospital admission should only be considered to children in following conditions:[24,77]
Suspicion of any serious infection
Who have prolonged and/or focal seizures, particularly if there is residual neurological findings or delayed recovery to baseline
Less than 18 months of age, for observation and possible LP.
A Cochrane systematic review (2017) stated that daily administration of Phenobarbital, valproic acid or other antiepileptic drugs are effective in the prevention of FS.[2,22] The potential adverse effects of these drugs outweigh their benefits.[5] Therefore, continuous prophylaxis with anticonvulsants is not necessary for simple or complex FS.[5,21,24] Furthermore, the AAP does not recommend continuous antiepileptic therapy with valproic acid or Phenobarbital for recurrent FS prevention.[5]
Intermittent Prophylaxis: Intermittent administration of diazepam (0.3–0.5 mg/kg/dose 8 hourly, maximum 10 mg) or oral clobazam (1 mg/kg once daily, maximum 20 mg) at the onset of fever for initial 3 days has been shown to be effective in recurrent FS prevention in 80% of cases.[5,100,101] Some studies concluded that intermittent clobazam therapy seems more beneficial to diazepam due to similar efficacy, long half life time, and lower side effect such a drowsiness, sedation, and ataxia.[102,103] Besides, intermittent therapy may also be considered in those at high risk for recurrence and in high parental anxiety, especially with a history of multiple and/or prolonged FSs.[3,5,10,24]
Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen are effective antipyretics to relieve fever, though antipyretic agents do not minimize the risk of a FS or a seizure recurrence[2,27,104] Notwithstanding, no evidence was found to be effective to prevent recurrent FS through physical methods of temperature reduction (e.g., direct fanning of the child, tepid sponging, removing clothing, and cooling room).[10,20,29] Universal childhood vaccinations should be strongly encouraged to reduce the risk of FS in the coming years. However, prophylactic antipyretic prior vaccinations are not statistically indicated to reduce the rate of FS recurrences.[100]
The prognosis is favorable in the majority cases as it is typically benign and self-limiting.[24] Usually, children surpass this condition by 6 years of age. About one-third of FS will have a recurrence during early childhood, wherein only <10% will have ≥3 recurrences.[22-24,26] Approximately, 90% recurrences occur within 2 years wherein 75% happen within 1 year.[26,53] Children without any of the above mentioned risk factors are accounted for only 4% chance of recurrence, whereas those with all of the risk factors have up to 80% chance of recurrence (Box 2).[21,24] The majority of children with simple FS have normal growth and development but complex FS and FSE may turn into epilepsy.
FS in children can give rise to significant parental anxiety and fear of the death of their child. It can be alleviated by regular educational programs by specialized health workers to explain the benign nature of the condition and lack of any significant association with future epilepsy.[24,44] It is important to teach about home management and basic resuscitation measures to every parent who has children with febrile convulsions.[5,24]
Worldwide, FS is one of the most common age-dependent seizures, especially in South Asia. FS has genetic predisposition with a notable vulnerability of the developing brain to the effects of fever. Almost one-third of children have chances of recurrence, but they outgrowth the condition after 5 years of age. Although continuous anti-epileptic therapy can prevent recurrent FS and surpass the few risks of FS, yet it cannot prevent subsequent epilepsy. Besides, it has high potentiality for adverse effects. Hence, long-term therapy is not recommended. However, intermittent therapy with diazepam or clobazam at the onset of fever may be advised to prevent recurrent FS in high parental anxiety and/or multiple recurrences of FS. Prolong seizure must be treated acutely. Parental counseling on home treatments and about the risks associated with FS is the greatest contribution that the pediatrician can make for the care of children with FS.
Key message
FS has slightly male preponderance.
Usually autosomal dominant in inheritance.
Low age at onset for FS has appeared a crucial predictor for a repeated FS.
Simple FS are common, benign, and self-limited.
Children with complex FS are at risk of developing epilepsy.
FS usually does not cause intellectual or neurologic damage.
EEG and neuroimaging are not indicated in the routine evaluation of simple FS.
Acute treatments are indicated when seizure is prolonged.
While the review contains updated clinical recommendations, still there are many unanswered or controversial problems. Many limitations might be due to the lack of conclusive clinical evidences, particularly regarding the prophylactic use of intermittent drug in FS, and FSE. Future clinical research is required to explain these unanswered questions. Howbeit, this review may play a role in raising issues in the treatment of FS and in prompting further investigations or research.
Author contributions
Hossain MM. wrote the first draft of the manuscript; Saha N critically revised the text and made substantial scientific contributions. Both the authors approved the final version of the manuscript.
Declaration of patient consent
Patient’s consent not required as there are no patients in this study.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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